DIY Pioneers specializing in all aspects of skatepark design and execution

Volunteer Construction
Work alongside other individuals who are eager to learn or share new skills and structural building techniques. Realize that your hard work is directly impacting the skateboarding and local community.

Annual Competitions
Giving our local community a chance to showcase their talents on the skate terrain we build is extremely gratifying.

Annual Events
Toys for Tots and a Fourth of July party are just a few of our annual fundraisers at FDR Skatepark.

Mega Events
FDR has hosted large skateboarding events sponsored by Subaru, Yamaha, Independent trucks, and Creature. Some include 2022 Rip Ride Rally and 2005 Gravity games (televised pro skateboarder competition)

We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Years of Experience
Monetary donations
Yards of concrete poured
Volunteers World Wide
Number of wheelbarrows broken
Our Partners

Jeffery Ladd- writer for Time magazine
"They are locations taken over, cleaned of garbage and given a makeover that can be as simple as a few humps of debris paved over with inexpensive cement mix, or as complex and sprawling as Philly’s FDR park, which covers hundreds of square yards"
Larry Baumhor- Punk Rock journalist
"This was not a park. This was a museum! I felt alive, an elation, an aesthetic of breathtaking beauty. I was stopped in my tracks. I didn’t know what to soak in; the words, the art, the skateboarders zooming by flying in the air like acrobats. Simply put, I was awe-struck."

Sebo Walker- professional skateboarder & artist
"Philadelphia's FDR Skatepark has long been heralded as one of the best DIY parks on Earth, and rightly so."